Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Chinese Commercial News

Name of Newspaper: Chinese Commercial News

Editorial/Business Address:

639-C Gandara Street
, Philippines

Production Site/Plant:

625 Sto Tomas St.

Manila, Philippines


Phone: (632)527-5369; 527-5396
Fax: (632)527-5393


Zhuang Ming Deng, who is the associate editor-in-chief, also acts as the editor-in-chief. He is in charge of the local news and breaking news. But he doesn’t handle the sports, business, and featured articles. In their publication, the positions do not branch out unlike those of the broadsheet publication. There is a shortage of man power since there are very few people who are fluent in both Mandarin and the English language which is mandatory. Therefore, they don’t have much field reporters and that there’s no stable number of correspondents. If there is a big event, Zhuang Ming Deng covers it himself. There are free-lance columnists who work for the publication on a regular basis and also free lance columnists who only do voluntary work since they see this as a hobby and do not expect to get paid. In addition, they don’t have guest columnists.


The paper was founded by Mr. Yu Yi Tung, the secretary general of the Chamber on October, 1919. It was the era after the First World War and the period of much development in the financial and business field. It began as the monthly newsletter of the Manila Chinese Chamber of Commerce. This allowed the Chinese businessmen to acquire economic and business knowledge and at the same time to give support to the development of the community and cooperation between overseas Chinese organizations and the community.


Number of copies: 10,000 on weekdays and weekends

Number of editions: Most of the time there’s only one edition. On really rare occasions, they produce two editions like the time Taiwan experienced an earthquake in the year 1999. This occurred when the news came in the middle of the process of printing.

Editorial deadline: 12 MN and if they receive breaking news, it still inserted until 1 AM.


Printing is done on the same location as the editorial since there are only two Chinese publications who print their own paper.

Page measurement: 17 x 12 ½

Typesetting: Offset

Page layout: They use PageMaker in coming up with their newspaper layout.

Camera: The Chinese Commercial News now makes use of images taken by digital cameras.

Stripping: They no longer made use of stripping.

Platemaking: They recently stopped the process of platemaking last year.

Printing: The publication starts the printing process on the latter part of the day around 10 or 11 in the evening and wraps it up at early morning at 2 or 3. If the issue requires a lot of pages due to its content, the process of printing lasts until 5 AM.

Cost of production: Php 8.00 to Php 9.00 – the same as the selling price except in cases where they exceed the minimum number of pages, which is 24, an increase in cost of production will take effect but not in the selling price.


Front page: Php190.00 per column/centimeter

Back page: Php140.00 per column/centimeter

Inside page: Php120.00 per column/centimeter

Common advertisers:


Nationwide but concentrated on the Metro Manila area especially in Binondo and Chinese populated areas.


They get their feeds for local news in the Inquirer website and from some of their correspondents whereas for the foreign news they tap the AFP, the news agency of France, and the associates of the press.

They don’t advertise their paper since they are just a small publication as compared to the leading newspapers in the Philippines but they have an official website which also serves as an online Chinese newspaper.


Mortel, Priscilla Maria

Oñate, Lorne Anthony

Rivera, Maria Margarita Anna

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